Happy New Year everyone!
Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that the holidays were fantastic! Nana and Poppa drove all the way up from Boston and actually got to stay with us this year (another plus to a larger apartment!) - though we did have a drunken Christmas Day mishap with the air mattress. Thank you Jamie.
Anyway, all was very exciting! JP got spoiled rotten of course. And he had an absolute blast opening all his new prezzies. We got lots of wonderful pics and video - unfortunately, they were all on Jamie's camera phone which he subsequently lost before we got to download them. So, we are awaiting the photos and video that Nana and Poppa took on Christmas morning. Needless to say, many new toys were of the truck and car variety, along with much Diego! JP didn't know what to play with first!
Here's a pic of the prezzies that literally piled up under the tree:

Over half of those were for Johnathan - although everyone all round got pretty spoiled by Santa this year.
Following the unwrapping, Jamie and Uncle Stephen whipped up one hell of a Christmas dinner - turkey, sweet potatoes - you name it, we ate it. Followed by two beautiful pies supplied by Uncle Patrick. Yummy.
After we stuffed ourselves, we all proceeded to make merry until the wee hours of the morning. As an example, here is Nana and Poppa enjoying the holiday cheer:

Long story short, we had a FABULOUS holiday! Thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, with much cheering, hugging, kissing and love. I do hope you all were blessed by such a warm holiday season.
PS: JP is still fascinated with all his toys. His vocab is through the roof now too, stringing all sorts of words and ideas together and getting bigger and stronger every day. Though his favorite game of late is wrapping up in his towel like a mummy after his bath and running through the house. So, although not holiday flavoured, its too funny - so I had to show a pic (keep in mind he is also in the middle of laughing and saying "Cheese" for the camera)! Enjoy!